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Conway Criminal Law Blog

I Have Been Arrested and Charged With DUI? Can I Avoid a Conviction?

Yes. You can avoid getting convicted of a DUI even if you have been arrested and charged with DUI in Marion, SC. However, it is crucial to note that your options for avoiding a DUI conviction will depend significantly on the circumstances surrounding the DUI incident. It’s also in your best interest to act as soon as you can and discuss your situation with a Marion, SC, DUI defense lawyer.

How Do I Avoid a DUI Conviction in Marion, SC?

The prosecution is responsible for proving that you drove your car or were driving it while you were drunk or high on drugs. They must also prove that you had drugs or alcohol in your system, which made you unfit to drive safely. To avoid getting convicted of DUI, your Marion, SC, DUI defense lawyer must target these elements to weaken the prosecution’s case against you.

If your DUI case proceeds to trial, your lawyer will present a defense strategy based on one or more of the following:

Reach Out to Our Marion, SC, DUI Defense Lawyer Today

To explore the defenses applicable to your case and avoid a DUI conviction, get in touch with the Marion, SC, DUI defense lawyer at The Law Office of Brad Richardson, LLC, right away. Our Marion, SC, DUI defense lawyer will assess your case and come up with a strong defense plan specific to your situation. Schedule your case evaluation by calling our office at 843-488-4321 or contacting us online.