What Are the Drug Laws in SC?
South Carolina takes its drug laws very seriously, and if you find yourself facing a drug charge, you should do the same. One of the most important steps anyone in your situation can take is reaching out for the skilled legal guidance of an experienced South Carolina drug charge attorney…
Read MoreIs There a Difference Between a State and Federal Drug Charge?
In fiscal year 2022, over 20,000 drug crimes were reported in the United States. Whether you are facing a state or federal charge, be aware that a conviction may result in incarceration, steep fines, and long-term consequences for having a criminal record. Federal drug charges usually impose harsher penalties. A…
Read MoreHow Does a Lawyer Fight My Drug Charges?
With a population of over 4 million people, and numerous interstate highways and posts, South Carolina is considered a main distribution center for illicit substances in the Southeast. It is illegal in South Carolina to possess, manufacture, or distribute drugs, and if you are charged, court costs will add up…
Read MoreAre Drug Crimes Felonies?
All drug charges are serious charges, and while not all drug crimes are felonies in the State of South Carolina, many are. Additionally, convictions for most drug charges in South Carolina can result in the loss of certain Constitutional Rights, such as the right to own and possess firearms. Better…
Read MoreCan Drug Trafficking Charges Be Dropped?
Yes, drug trafficking charges can be dropped. While getting charged with drug trafficking in SC can be immensely stressful and frightening, there are steps you can take to protect your freedom and have your charges dropped. A conviction for drug trafficking comes with harsh penalties, including hefty fines, significant time…
Read MoreWhat is a Diversion Program?
A criminal conviction can have far-reaching consequences on your life, including losing job opportunities, your right to vote and own a firearm, and many others. Fortunately, South Carolina offers diversion programs, which are alternatives to traditional prosecution. These programs are typically available for first-time offenders and minor nonviolent crimes. Diversion…
Read MoreWhat is Drug Court & How Does it Work in South Carolina?
Approximately 50% of the 7 million convicted criminals were under the influence of various drugs when they committed their offenses. An estimated two-thirds of them were also regular drug users. This is where drug courts come in. The main purpose of drug courts is to treat drug-involved offenders to reduce…
Read MoreThree reasons why talking to the police could put your case at risk
When you’re under suspicion of criminal wrongdoing or have been arrested for allegedly committing a crime, you might be tempted to talk to the police in an attempt to explain away your involvement. But you should resist that urge. Talking the police will probably only get you deeper into trouble,…
Read MoreMarijuana is illegal in South Carolina and can lead to arrests
After many years of debate across the nation as to whether marijuana should remain illegal and how aggressively to pursue crimes related to it, it is becoming more mainstream as a rising number of states are legalizing it. This is medical use, recreational use or both. Despite that, South Carolina…
Read MoreArrest yields M-16, drugs, caustic press release from sheriff
The release of a criminal suspect on bail can be a frustrating event for local law enforcement officers. After a judge ordered the release of a man arrested on weapons and drug charges, the sheriff of Orangeburg County was compelled to issue a sharply critical press release in which he…
Read MoreWhat are my rights to privacy in my dorm room?
Myrtle Beach and the surrounding communities are the home to many college, university and vocational students. Many of these students live in dormitories or other student housing. They will likely think of these places as their home. They expect some level of privacy for both themselves and their stuff. To…
Read MoreMyrtle Beach traffic checkpoint nets arrest and tickets
South Carolina police often set up checkpoints to make arrests for drunk driving, drug possession, trafficking and more. Recent checkpoint activity According to a local newspaper, a recent traffic checkpoint netted police many tickets and several arrests. The news report claimed that this checkpoint resulted in over 40 tickets with…
Read MoreTraveling to Myrtle Beach with pot
Marijuana is having a moment. In the majority of states in the United States, pot is legal in some way, whether it is for medical, recreational or both. However, South Carolina is not one of them. Still, some spring breakers may think Myrtle Beach is a bit more lax with…
Read MoreDrug convictions can reduce college student aid
A drug offense conviction can reduce your chances of getting a job, obtaining housing and paying for a higher education. Being convicted before seeking financial aid or while you are in college can impact your ability to obtain grants, loans and work-study opportunities. Ineligibility College financial aid eligibility depends on…
Read MoreWhen can you be charged for marijuana possession?
While personal use of marijuana may be relatively common in South Carolina, it is still illegal to use and possess marijuana in our state. That means when people use it, they risk being charged with drug possession crimes. As with all drugs that are illegal in South Carolina, the potential…
Read MoreSouth Carolina Drug Schedules Explained
When arrested on drug charges in South Carolina, the exact charge is based on a few factors including but not limited to the amount or weight of the drugs and of course, what type of drugs are found. Both of these factors can drastically affect the potential sentence you may…
Read MoreSouth Carolina’s marijuana laws are strict
Unlike some other states, South Carolina chooses to take a strict approach to the possession and sale of marijuana. The recreational use of the drug remains illegal in this state. Even South Carolina’s medical marijuana statutes are not terribly lenient. Penalties for marijuana add up quickly in this state. For…
Read MoreForged prescriptions and fraud charges
We often rely on prescription medications to help us recover from a serious illness or to manage chronic pain. Some prescription medications have a potential for abuse and a person addicted to these drugs may be desperate enough to forge a prescription or perform some other fraudulent act to obtain…
Read MoreSouth Carolina debating bill on medical marijuana
The debate over medical marijuana has been around for years but has heated up in South Carolina. Recently, the state legislature debated a new measure aimed at legalizing marijuana for medicinal purposes. The bill’s sponsor said the measure calls for much stricter regulations than similar bills in other states. Cannabis…
Read MoreFighting drug crime charges in South Carolina
Drug crime charges are extremely common in America, including in South Carolina. Every day law enforcement officials throughout the state make arrests based on drug possession, trafficking, distribution or even manufacturing. If you have been arrested and charged with a drug crime in South Carolina, you need to remember this…
Read MoreWhat to expect after receiving marijuana trafficking charges
There are many states who have legalized some form of marijuana, whether that be recreational use or medical use, but South Caroline is not one of those states. It is still illegal to possess or use marijuana. That does not stop people in the state from using marijuana though. Since…
Read MorePreparing a strong defense when charged with a drug crime
Each year thousands of South Carolina residents, as well as visitors to South Carolina, are charged with crimes. And, despite changing laws in many states, drug crimes are still one of the most common criminal charges for a person to face. If you have been arrested and charged with a…
Read MoreSuppression and diversion in drug possession cases
Drug possession charges can have serious implications for your future. While these drug charges might result in jail or even prison time, especially if you’re convicted of drug trafficking, they can also threaten to destroy your reputation, make it hard for you to obtain a job and housing, and, if…
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