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College Crimes

Are Schools Required to Report Sexual Abuse?

In accordance with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, sexual discrimination and sexual violence are prohibited in educational programs and activities. A teacher, administrator, or counselor who suspects sexual abuse must report the abuse to the authorities. These individuals are known as mandated reporters, legally requiring them to…

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Steps to Take if a Teacher or Coach is Sexually Harassing Me

With sexual harassment taking place in sports and academia for years, more incidences have come to light in recent years. If a teacher or coach has sexually harassed you, it is essential to know that you are not to blame. At The Law Office of Brad C. Richardson, LLC, our…

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Being Harassed on Your College Campus?

Harassment is any intentional act or significant intrusion into a person’s personal life that causes the victim mental or emotional distress. With about six million college students experiencing harassment at one time or another, only 20% of students seek school-provided mental health services. If you have been sexually harassed on…

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What are my rights to privacy in my dorm room?

Myrtle Beach and the surrounding communities are the home to many college, university and vocational students. Many of these students live in dormitories or other student housing. They will likely think of these places as their home. They expect some level of privacy for both themselves and their stuff. To…

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When can a person under age 21 legally be given alcohol?

It is common knowledge that you cannot sell alcohol to a person under age 21 in South Carolina. Failing to check a customer’s identification is considered evidence that the sale was illegal, unless proven otherwise, and the purchaser of the alcohol can also be punished. However, what if you simply…

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Drug convictions in college and the impact on financial aid

Life after high school is filled with many dreams, aspirations and opportunities. Some young adults choose to go to college to further these endeavors. However, everything could come to a screeching halt when they are accused of a drug crime on their college campus. With their present educational journey and…

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Local college quarterback faces assault charges against woman

There are many colleges in South Carolina and with that, there will likely be student activities, events and parties. In some cases, there are accusations that young people trying to have a good time went too far and led to criminal activity. This can involve alcohol, drugs, assaults and more….

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The cybertheft of media may seem easy, but it is not victimless

When we see FBI warnings against copyright infringement before burning a DVD or when we download some music on the Internet for free, we may believe that doing so really causes no harm, that everyone does it, and that these actions are never really prosecuted. This is not the truth….

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What are the penalties for using a fake ID to buy alcohol?

Throughout South Carolina, there are many tourist destinations and large-scale events where young people will be out and about. Often, this involves college students, but high schoolers are also frequent attendees. Alcohol consumption is a frequent part of sporting events, beach holidays and simply being a college student. It is…

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What are the shoplifting laws and penalties in South Carolina?

It is not uncommon for college students to get into mischief in South Carolina. It might be due to not thinking about what they are doing, being under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or because of encouragement from other students. While it is often assumed that college crimes are…

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A criminal conviction can ruin a college student’s future

When facing criminal allegations in South Carolina, there are a series of problems that will come to the forefront and must be considered when preparing a defense. Depending on the charges, there can be jail time, fines, loss of driving privileges and more. For college students, the mere reality that…

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Illegal search and seizure

Search and seizure protections are an important for anyone accused of a crime. It may be possible to suppress evidence obtained in violation of the accused individual’s 4th Amendment rights which can impact any criminal charges against the accused individual. Search and seizure criminal protections are found in the 4th…

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College code of conduct violations may result in serious consequences

Many colleges and universities in South Carolina have implemented a code of conduct for their students to follow. The code of conduct may cover both academic and non-academic behavior relating to: Academic integrity (e.g., plagiarism, cheating, forgery) Drug and alcohol use and distribution Harassment (online or in-person) Hazing Sexual assault…

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College students could face sexual assault charges

College students who live, attend school or just have fun in the greater Myrtle Beach area could in the right circumstances face sexual assault charges. Recent cases across the country have put a spotlight on problems with sexual misconduct on college campuses and among students. These stories may have given…

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Are there lifelong consequences of conviction?

After court, a conviction and the end of parole, that is the end of a criminal proceeding. After one has “served their time,” the consequences are over, right? Unfortunately, in the United States, that is not always the case, even for Conway, South Carolina, college students. Employability consequences A criminal…

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Off-campus crimes can impact a student’s educational goals

Many college students, including those who attend Coastal Carolina University, may find themselves staring down a criminal charge. It is no secret, for example, that drugs and alcohol are common at parties attended by college students. Of course, underage drinking and public drunkenness are illegal, as is the possession of…

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The looming damage caused by some criminal convictions

If you’re facing criminal charges as a college student, then you’re probably afraid of how the allegations against you are going to affect your future. That’s a legitimate worry, and one that you need to take seriously. While jail, prison, and fines are all very real possibilities if you end…

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College life can be risky for underage drinkers

As South Carolina is known not only for beautiful beaches but also beach colleges, there is no shortage of good times to be had. The many undergraduate students who come to study, however, probably don’t think twice about going to weekend parties where the alcohol flows freely. That is, until…

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