map Serving Conway, Myrtle Beach, and Marion, South Carolina

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Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence Stats in South Carolina

South Carolina ranks sixth in the nation for domestic violence occurrences, with over 25,000 incidents being reported to the police each year. If a family member or anyone in your household accuses you of physical harm or causing him or her fear of physical harm, you may be charged with…

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Can You Drop a Criminal Defense Charge in SC?

If you’re facing a criminal domestic violence charge in the State of South Carolina, it’s a serious matter, and it’s generally not a charge that your accuser can simply drop. If you find yourself in this difficult position, you need the trusted legal guidance of an experienced Conway domestic violence…

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What if Police Do Not Take Your Domestic Violence Claim Seriously?

Domestic violence is a serious issue that affects countless individuals and families. Unfortunately, these situations can be complicated and can often result in challenges when it comes to law enforcement response and intervention. When the police do not take a domestic violence claim seriously, it can further exacerbate the risks…

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What if Your Abuser Violates the Restraining Order?

While restraining orders are designed to provide victims with legal protection and prohibit an abuser from coming near them or contacting them, they are not a physical barrier to prevent the abuser from doing so. Unfortunately, there are instances when an alleged abuser may choose to disregard the terms of…

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